
Unlocking Shoulder Health - Causes of Shoulder Pain & How to Fix It

Written by Team Performx | August 2023

Do you often find yourself wincing in pain as you reach for something on the top shelf? Or maybe you've noticed a persistent ache in your shoulders after a long day at work? Shoulder pain is more common than you might think, and it can seriously impact your daily life and overall well-being. The good news is that you don't have to live with the discomfort.

Recently we hosted a live workshop at our clinic where we dove into the common causes of shoulder pain and shared a dynamic pre-workout warmup routine that can transform your shoulder health.

Make sure to join us for more upcoming workshops! Coming up next we're focusing on the Knees and Low Back.


The Importance of Shoulder Health

Shoulders are remarkable joints that allow us to perform a wide range of movements, from lifting and pushing to reaching and throwing. However, their intricate structure also makes them susceptible to injuries and discomfort. Poor posture, overuse, and underlying medical conditions can all contribute to shoulder pain. Ignoring these issues can lead to more severe problems down the line, potentially limiting your mobility and affecting your quality of life.

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

Understanding the root causes of your shoulder pain is the first step toward finding relief. Here are some of the most prevalent factors:

  1. Rotator Cuff Injuries: The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint. Overuse or sudden trauma can lead to strains, tears, or inflammation in this area.

  2. Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis): This condition causes stiffness and reduced range of motion in the shoulder joint. It often develops gradually and can be quite painful.

  3. Tendonitis: Tendons connect muscles to bones, and when they become inflamed or irritated, it can result in tendonitis. This is often due to repetitive motions or overuse.

  4. Bursitis: Bursae are small fluid-filled sacs that cushion the joints. When these become inflamed, it can cause pain and limit movement.

  5. Poor Posture: Slouching or hunching over can strain the muscles and ligaments around the shoulders, leading to discomfort.


Unlocking Shoulder Movement - Internal Rotation and Extension

There are four main movement restrictions we see time and time again in athletes that cause pain and injury. In this workshop we focused on Internal Rotation and Extension of the shoulder. 

Your Path to Pain-Free Shoulders: Pre-Workout Warmup Routine

At Performx Physical Therapy our methodology to treating movement restrictions and making lasting changes is a 3-step process.

  1. Joint Work
  2. Soft Tissue Work
  3. Muscle Activation

Although gritty and a sometimes a bit painful, steps 1 and 2 really open up your range of movement. They create space that's been missing and usually after you do your joint and soft tissue work you'll be feeling good.

The key here is step 3, activating those muscles in their new range. By asking those muscles to work in a range they weren't able to access before, you will start to re-train your body and correct the restrictions resulting in pain-relief and the first steps towards long-term positive change. 

Video 1: Test Your Shoulder

Start with a quick test to see how much mobility your shoulders are lacking. The key indicator you're looking for is when the shoulder starts to dump forward. When that shoulder dumps forward it means that your movement is restricted and you're now using the incorrect muscles to compensate, making you at a high risk for injury and often causing pain.

How far can you get before it dumps?

Video 2: Shoulder Health Exercises

Here are the exercises we did in our Shoulder Health Workshop - a great way to open up your range of movement and begin that process of reducing pain and re-training your shoulder muscles. 

We start with 2 banded stretches focused on stretching out the shoulder capsule. This is our Joint Work.

Next up we get into the gritty Soft Tissue Work with a lacrosse ball and kettle bell. If you can swap the kettle bell for a barbell you'll get even better results! 

Finally, we ask those muscles to work in their new range with a Muscle Activation exercise.

Do these everyday, ideally before your workouts and you should start to feel some symptom relief and see the new ranges you can hit with ease. 

Next Steps for Your Shoulder Health

These exercises are an awesome place to start to open up those new ranges of movement and start to re-train and strengthen your shoulder. Incorporate them into your daily pre-workout routine and you should definitely see some improvement. 

However this is just scratching the tip of the iceberg and we would love to help you get back to a fully mobile, pain-free and strong shoulder. Whether you're struggling to wash your hair in the shower or stagnating in your lifting routine we would love to take a deeper look at what's going on and share a plan to get you to hitting those goals.